Saturday, March 25, 2017

Social media

So Thursday night I tweeted something for the first time. I was hype! One of my more active moments on any type of social media. I partake in mostly all forms of social media, yet I am very subtle about the things I do on each app. I am not a flashy user who posts pictures or says what's on there mind everyday. I am more of a see what other people have to say and enjoy it. I believe everyone should be apart of some type of social media. Even if you don't post a lot you should still get one. I feel the pros out way the cons when it comes to entertaining yourself with these platforms. I'll give you one main pro to these apps; they keep you connected. I'm talking with everybody and anybody. For example, I am able to keep up with what certain people at my school who I don't even talk to that much do only because of social media. This even gets me to think hey these guys look pretty cool maybe you should talk to them in person. I get to keep up with birthdays, relationships, and the best thing of all BEEF! Maybe social media is only for certain types of people but I believe everyone can love being connected.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Short poem

Ode to Relaxation

Why can't I relax?
I'm always remembering the facts.
I'm also always reading.
My heart keeps beating.
I'm always in concentration.
No time for relaxation.
Why can't I relax?

Saturday, March 11, 2017


This small six letter word holds more meanings then people may realize. There are all different kinds of limits, from mathametical limits to physical limits. There are even literary limits. In all these instances of limits there are minimums and maximums. In my opinion there should be no such thing as limits. If I wanted to lift 450 lbs right I couldn't because my body is not in the condition to deal with that amount of strain on my muscles since my physical limit is only 135. Limits simply with hold someone from doing something in both minimum limits and maximum limits. From a literary stand point there should never be a minimum word limit or maximum page limit because the writer should write as much as he or she wants. If a person writes 300 words for a 1000 word paper then they should not get penalized because that is what they felt was needed for there piece. Now if they do not hit other certain literary criteria for the paper in the 300 words then they can be penalized. I understand that limits are set as guidelines and rules to abide to yet could you imagine what the human race could accomplish without limits. We would have traveled all across the universe by now, built time machines, and even created teleportation devices. While these tasks may seem impossible now, just like rules limits are meant to be broken.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Lacrosse is back!

So the first week of lacrosse is in the books. With this being my senior year I feel as though I should be excited for this season, yet I feel indifferent. With this possibly being the last time I ever step on that field I should give it all I got, yet I feel sluggish and annoyed with the sport. Coming into this season I have just put a negative perspective in my mind and I got to snap out of it. I dedicated so much of my time to this sport I have to finish strong. So that's what I will do! Time to get out of this slump and keep working! #Playoffbound