Saturday, March 25, 2017

Social media

So Thursday night I tweeted something for the first time. I was hype! One of my more active moments on any type of social media. I partake in mostly all forms of social media, yet I am very subtle about the things I do on each app. I am not a flashy user who posts pictures or says what's on there mind everyday. I am more of a see what other people have to say and enjoy it. I believe everyone should be apart of some type of social media. Even if you don't post a lot you should still get one. I feel the pros out way the cons when it comes to entertaining yourself with these platforms. I'll give you one main pro to these apps; they keep you connected. I'm talking with everybody and anybody. For example, I am able to keep up with what certain people at my school who I don't even talk to that much do only because of social media. This even gets me to think hey these guys look pretty cool maybe you should talk to them in person. I get to keep up with birthdays, relationships, and the best thing of all BEEF! Maybe social media is only for certain types of people but I believe everyone can love being connected.

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