Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Time to lift

It's 2:15, less then a half an hour before it goes down. What's going down you might ask? Simply, dedication and determination for success. Success that is represented through lifting. I have a small home gym at my house that includes some dumbbells, a bench, a bar, and a lot of weights. Although this is a small setup I use it to the maximum ability. I wanted to start lifting junior year but never got around to it. This year my stepfather set up this gym which finally gave me no more excuses for not lifting. So far I have been lifting for about 2 weeks. While, people say it takes 21 days to form a habit, I have forced myself to stick with this until I reach my goals. The whole reason I wanted to start lifting in the first place was that I realized I'm kind of scrawny, and I refuse to look like a twig for the rest of my life. So I will give you all these inspirational words that I am following now: if you don't like it, do something about it. #getbig #swolelife #doyouevenliftbro

1 comment:

  1. I am really nostalgic reading this post. I started lifting weights right at the beginning of my senior year of high school, and it has changed my life. The only thing I love as much as running is lifting, and if you get a head start now, you're going to be so glad when you head off to college and get really into it. Get a workout partner if possible, and if you need a good starting lifting schedule, I will share what Billy(this insanely jacked trainer at my old gym with crazy tattoos and piercings) prescribed for me as a beginner.
