Saturday, February 4, 2017

Time for a Redo

So lately my adventures to the gym have been really inconsistent. Some weeks I would go three days others I wouldn't go at all. A lot of this has to do with me having track practice everyday but I know that should be no excuses. But now that track has officially ended the GRIND starts again. Everyday after school I will be at the gym for at least an hour. I will continue this routine until lacrosse starts on March 1st. So this gives me a full month to get into a routine and accomplish some goals. A few goals I have set for my self to complete by the end of February deal a lot with lifting. I want to be able to bench 185, squat 250, and leg press 450. While these weights are very large compared to what I can do now I know that if I get into a consistent routine I will be able to reach these goals. This month will truly test my dedication and determination skills but I know I will end this month victorious.

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